About Us


At Ark Dental Clinic near me, you’re in good hands. We are an experienced team of dental professionals who can help you achieve your goals, whether it’s a brighter smile or fixing a toothache, our dentists can improve your smile.

Ark Dental Clinic is a pioneer in dental care and provides thorough dental care in South Delhi for all in a pleasant setting. Our dental practice is proud to be associated with highly skilled and experienced specialist consultants. We offer adjustable appointment slots throughout the week.

People often don't go to the dentist for years because they're afraid, don't have enough money, or think their teeth are fine. No matter because, visiting the Best Dental Clinic in GK 1 twice a year is great for you and your smile. If you haven't been to the dentist in years, this "Top Reasons to See a Dentist" list might give you the push you need to start taking better care of yourself.

Mostly to fix the wear and tear from years of use: Flossing and cleaning your teeth daily is important for the rest of your life. But some oral problems, like plaque buildup and gum disease, are always more likely to happen to older people.To keep your smile bright: Regular dentist visits can improve your smile, even if brushing and flossing at home is good for your teeth and gums. So, your dentist can clean the plaque under your gum line and in hard-to-reach places between your teeth that your toothbrush can't reach.It's been a long time since you went to the dentist:

Meet Your New Dentist

Dr. Ameet. S. Dixit

BDS Dentist & Implantologist, Dentist

Dr Ameet Dixit after graduating, he worked as a Residence Doctor at All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) Hospital. He completed his Implant Program from the University of Miami and University of Toronto.

He worked as a Researched Associate at the University of Toronto. He was awarded by the University of British Columbia, Canada. Then he worked as the Research Associate at AIIMS.

He was the Head of T32, the first chain of Dental Clinics in India. He was a consultant in Apollo Hospital. Since 2010, he is the Director of ARK Dental Clinic in Greater Kailash – 1, he has treated more than 30,000 International patients with his interest and experience in implantology and cosmetic smile design.

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Even if your teeth always look fine and you take good care of your mouth, you should still visit the dentist twice a year. So, even if everything seems fine on the surface, there may be problems with your teeth that can only be found by a dentist.To keep gum disease from happening: Periodontal disease is an infection of the muscles that hold your teeth in place. Gingivitis is a milder, easier-to-treat disease that only affects the gums. However, it can lead to periodontitis, a more dangerous periodontal disease.

When you have swollen gums: You should go to your Best Dental Clinic in GK 1 if you see blood in the washbasin when you brush your teeth. When bacteria build up under your gums, it makes your gums bleed. Getting this fixed is important; your dentist can help you do so. To keep from losing a tooth:

The best and least expensive way to keep from losing teeth is to brush and floss your teeth daily at home. So, the next step is to get good tooth care twice a year. Preventive dental care, mostly professional cleanings, exams, and fluoride treatments, is crucial to keep your teeth from falling out. Conclusion: So, if you want the Best Dental Clinic in GK 1, you should go to Dent Ally for the best and most effective results. They not only treat your dental problems, but they also help you avoid them. Find the best dental clinic near me, the best dental clinic gk 1, the dental clinic in south Delhi, the best dental clinic, the dental clinic, and the dental clinic near me book an appointment.